ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY of LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov"

Our motto: from production ecology to fuel ecology.
The main goal: modernization and development of modern oil refining systems, reducing emissions to the environment, recycling of production wastes.
Basic principles:
- implementation and maintenance of an effective environmental management system based on the requirements of the DSTU standard ISO 14001;
- priority of environmental safety as an integral part of national security;
- compliance with the requirements of the Ukrainian legislation on environmental protection;
- tracking and analysis of environmental protection measures and timely response to their change;
- making management and investment decisions based on multiple development scenarios taking into account environmental priorities;
- conducting science-based environmental policy and the development of scientific research in the field of environmental protection;
- prioritization of best available technologies;
- cooperation with other enterprises and institutions working in the field of the use of environmentally friendly and energy efficient technologies;
- promoting research on the environmental impact of the enterprise;
- regular analysis of the environmental impact of the enterprise;
- taking into account the results of such an analysis when making business decisions in order to reduce negative environmental impacts;
- preservation and creation of new green spaces;
- implementation of measures to improve the wastewater treatment system;
- raising awareness of enterprise personnel in the field of environmental protection and ensuring an adequate level of understanding of the importance of environmental aspects;
- Achieving a high level of knowledge of employees in the field of emergency response and other environmental issues through periodic inspections.
LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov" is the largest oil refining complex in Ukraine, considers environmental protection a priority for its activities.
The environment is monitored in three ways.:

The reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is one of the priorities of the enterprise in the field of ecology. Monitoring the state of the atmosphere in LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov" is carried out by its own certified laboratory:
The company has a long-term practice of monitoring air pollution at the established reference points of the sanitary protection zone (SPZ), as well as at the border of the enterprise's SPZ and in the residential area of Kremenchug. The analysis of the state of atmospheric air is carried out monthly at 6 points, according to 5 ingredients, taking into account the direction of the wind towards the residential zone, points T-10 and T-11 are monitored on the same day successively to monitor changes in pollutant concentrations as they move away from the plant.
The information contains:
- Measurements for 2016.
- Measurements for 2017.
- Measurements for 2018.
- Measurements for 2019
- Measurements for 2020
The results of measurements of actual concentrations of pollutants in atmospheric air by hydrogen sulfide, phenol, xylene, toluene, hydrocarbons ( map )
This monitoring allows you to fully inform the public about the quality of atmospheric air in the zone of influence of LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov".
LLC Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov has the industry's highest water turnover of 99.7–99.8% and is the only refinery operating without discharge of wastewater into open water bodies. Regular research conducted by the Ukrainian Center for the Protection of Water in wells around an evaporator pond confirms a decrease in groundwater pollution and, accordingly, the correctness
forecast specialists for the completion of self-cleaning of underground horizons, in 2003–2007.
In connection with the formation of foci and halos of contamination of soils and groundwater with oil products in the area of the objects of the industrial site of LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov" since 1988. To date, systematic research is being carried out on the environmental assessment of the impact of an enterprise on groundwater and its interconnected surface waters. The work is carried out in collaboration with the Ukrainian Research Institute for Environmental Problems (Kharkiv) on the basis of laboratory research observation well networks ( map ).
The aim of the work is to conduct specialized monitoring with an assessment of the change in the state of groundwater pollution, and thus to assess the effectiveness of environmental measures implemented at LLC Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov..
the territory directly industrial site of LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov", where the main sources of pollution are technological installations, finished product tanks, pipelines and communications, sewage treatment plants and sludge collectors;
area of impact of the industrial site (transformation zone), including the territory subject to pollution of groundwater and surface water as a result of migration petroleum products from the industrial site (source of pollution) to the drainage zone (river Psel);
the area of the pond - evaporator, the filtration losses from which caused the transformation of the natural quality of groundwater.
The main objects of study were considered:
As a result of the implementation of the main water protection measures (1994–2005), the environmental situation in the region began to gradually change in the direction of not only reducing the intensity of pollution groundwater and the localization of halos of pollution, but also the restoration of groundwater quality over large areas, as evidenced by research results that are given in table.
Also on the industrial site of LLC "Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov" there is a system of engineering protection against the penetration of petroleum products into groundwater outside the enterprise (more than 45 wells that extract petroleum products). It should be noted environmental friendliness of the implemented method. Oil product is extracted almost clean, is sent for processing with a water content of less than 1%. Water is also not miscible with petroleum products, the content of the latter in water is at a level of less than 0.1–0.3 mg / l. Neither water nor oil products are poured on the surface of the day. The system works around the clock and year-round. This is a unique system implemented in Ukraine. System operation on an ongoing basis. controlled by a developed network of monitoring observation points; on the basis of scientific research, the order of its development is outlined, which is based on predictive studies and mathematical modeling. The work is performed by the Hydroton LTD training center (Kharkiv). The results are monitored by the Ukrainian Research Institute for Environmental Problems. The developed and implemented methodology for the rehabilitation of the territory is a significant contribution to the implementation of the Program of rehabilitation of the Dnieper basin and the Northern Black Sea region.
Based on the results of the research, it can be stated that the ecological situation in the zone of impact of the facilities of the Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov PAT system differs from previous years in the absence of the previously existing area contamination of groundwater, as well as a decrease in intensity (until lack of) in individual individual areas.
The production waste management system at LLC Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov allows optimizing the flow of waste, reducing the environmental impact and economic costs of their generation.
The company participates in the implementation of state policy in the field of waste management aimed at waste minimization, rational use and environmentally friendly waste disposal, strives for the maximum possible use of waste in order to reduce the impact on the environment.
Industrial and household waste generated during the processing of oil and oil products are subject to disposal or disposal in accordance with the existing general factory instructions in the field of production waste management.
The company operates a specialized landfill that meets environmental standards for the disposal of industrial waste III and IV hazard classes, formed in the production processes of LLC: spent catalysts, zeolites, oil sludge, waste containing petroleum products.
mapThe uniqueness of the landfill lies in the fact that its design provides reliable bottom and onboard asphalt concrete with a bituminous covering the antifiltration screens excluding the probability of biological and chemical contamination of the surrounding areas, groundwater, and provide the collection of leachate for further treatment at the treatment plant of the enterprise.
With the attraction of foreign investments, the technology was worked out, equipment was purchased and since June 1997 a complete scheme for processing any oil-containing waste has been operating.
Potentially unusable hazardous wastes, such as used mercury lamps and batteries, are disposed of to the consumer in accordance with the concluded agreements.
As a result of economic activity at the enterprise household and construction wastes which are taken out from the territory of the enterprise for burial on the city landfill of solid household waste (MSW) are formed.
The waste disposal site of LLC Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov is closed. At the moment, the company's specialists are developing project documentation for reclamation and further improvement environmental conditions and ecological situation of the surrounding areas. (MSW, map)
Potentially suitable for further use waste and substandard products: packaging, PET bottles, polyethylene, scrap metal, used tires, used catalysts, etc. are collected separately and transferred to procurement organizations under concluded agreements as secondary resources.
Each type of waste at the enterprise is differentiated and taken into account. Annually, state statistical reports are conducted on the forms № 1-waste,
№ 1 - environmental costs, and on a permanent basis - the primary accounting of waste in the standard form № 1-VT.
Dynamics of key indicators in the field of waste management.doc
The environmental management system operating at LLC Torgovy Dom Neftemasloproduktov fully complies with the requirements of DSTU ISO 14001: 2015 (ISO 14001: 2015, IDT) “Environmental management systems. Requirements and guidelines for use ",
which is confirmed by the certificate of conformity issued by Poltavastandartmetrologiya.
This certificate confirms the high level of environmental management system at the enterprise. The introduced system is aimed at qualitatively improving the level of management in the field of environmental protection environment and expansion of effective cooperation in this direction with other enterprises, profile institutes and scientific organizations.